Visiting Artist HANDMADE BUTTONS: The Dorset Crosswheel
Kelly Brandt / Weaving Studio
Sat 5/6
1-4pm / One Day
$70 / Members: $50
Enhance your custom garments and learn the rich history of Dorset Buttons! In the English county of Dorset, before commercial buttons were widely available, shepherds cut rings from the horns of their Horned Dorset sheep to turn into fashionable buttons. Using threads or finely spun yarns, these rings were covered in a style called Crosswheel. Using these traditional techniques, students will create their own Dorset Crosswheel buttons.
Sarah Nott / Multi-Purpose Classroom
Sat & Sun 4/15-4/16
12-3pm / Two Days
$70 / Members: $50
Come make soft wool into three dimensional objects and bas-relief images! Students will learn the terminology, techniques, and materials necessary to create works of needle felting out of wool.
Gretchen Huggett / Weaving Studio
(B) Thu 4/13-5/18
6:30 - 9 pm / 6 weeks
$150 / Members: $130
Come and join the community centered around one of the few weaving studios in Southwest Michigan. All levels of weavers, from complete beginner to advanced, weaving for years, are welcome. Beginners will weave a sampler to learn the basics. For those familiar with weaving, an individualized plan of study will be created.
Gretchen Huggett / Weaving Studio
(A) Thu 4/13-5/18
1-3:30pm / 6 weeks
$150 / Members: $130
Come and join the community centered around one of the few weaving studios in Southwest Michigan. All levels of weavers, from complete beginner to advanced, weaving for years, are welcome. Beginners will weave a sampler to learn the basics. For those familiar with weaving, an individualized plan of study will be created.
Emily Wohlscheid / Weaving Studio
Sat 5/13
1 - 4 pm / One Day
$40 / Members: $20
Learn the basics of spinning and plying on a drop spindle. Students will be introduced to various wool preparations and learn how to make their fibers ready for spinning. The day will end with creating a two-ply yarn from our newly spun fibers.